Sunday, August 30, 2015

SFI Program Review: Is SFI a Real Business Opportunity? Pros? Cons?

As network marketing companies come and go, I'm sure you're at the point where you want to do your due diligence before joining another one. And if you've been “eye-ing” SFI, then this SFI program review will come in handy when making a decision as to join SFI.

In the ten plus years SFI Marketing has been in business lots have been written about it; but you'll find very few “negative” opinions about it. First of all, it is a 100% legitimate business home opportunity.

Not only can you see the products on its ebay-like Triple Clicks website, you can see in clear transparency how this business operates.

If you've been around the Internet awhile I'm sure you've ran across many companies that have a thick cloud of secrecy around what they do and even what they sell.

You're entering “no man's land” when you partner with companies that do business like that. In fact a lot of people get caught up in scams unwillingly because they really don't know much about the company they're getting involved with...often to their detriment.

This is why SFI is a breath of fresh air because you know all about the company and its products all upfront. When you do things honestly, there is really no reason to hide.

By the time you get to the end of this SFI program review, you'll either feel this is something that you can see yourself making money with or you feel that this is not for you.

Either which way, it's up to you to reach your income goals. I'm just presenting what I believe is one good way to get there. However, there are some things you really ought to know.

I like to be honest and upfront so that you know what to expect with an SFI affiliate business.

SFI Program Review

Here are the Pros and the Cons of being an SFI affiliate...

Pros of an SFI Business:

You Can Get Started For Free

As this is a con, it can also be a pro because it gives those people who say they "don't have any money" a way to start a business without any upfront cash.

It also gives people in low economic countries a way to improve their lives by having their very own business without having to put out any money. The income they produce from an SFI business can be quite life-changing.

Business Tools

SFI give its affiliates tools to help them reach out and manage their organization as it grows. From advertising tracking to in-house email system to professionally designed flyer and postcards, SFI makes it a lot easier on its affiliates to build a business online and off.

SFI even has its own in-house marketing co-op so you can buy shares of SFI's marketing efforts to help you build your business.

However, in most cases this is not enough. Yes, you can build a successful business with SFI but it's going to take you years to make any substantial money. 

If you read the reviews on the Internet, making mone with SFI is the biggest complaint (read more about this below)...

Multiple Streams of Income

There are multiple ways to make money within SFI. From promoting specific products to building a sales organization to getting businesses set up with their own ecommerce's all open to you.

You are not stuck building a home business only one way like it is with most businesses. Like I stated before you'll never get bored or tired of building an SFI business.


Once you go through the training and understand what SFI is all about, you can literally put your business on autopilot. By autopilot I mean that SFI makes it simple to log in and see those you've sponsored, those in your downline who are actively building their business, and where you stand on the leaderboard.

It's all available to your from one back office. You can even send out emails to your downline and even your sponsors from your back office.


Unlike most affiliate programs, SFI has a training library to help you learn how to build your business.

However I highly recommend a My Lead System Pro membership. This not only has the latest cutting-edge Internet marketing training, but it also will help you develop your own marketing funnel for maximum profits of your home business.

Where a lot of network marketing companies fail its distributors is in not giving them proper training and tools SFI has picked up the slack these companies have left behind and a My Lead System Pro membership can take your business to the next level.


You Can Get Started For Free

SFI is like most affiliate programs in that you can become an affiliate for free. However, in the network marketing industry that also produces a lot of “tire kickers” who don't do anything with their business...after all they joined for free and have really risked nothing.

To combat this, SFI does have tools available to you to help you “stimulate” those in your downline and help you “spot” the workers so you can help those that deserve your time.

There are no options for those who sign up for SFI to upgrade right after signing up. In other words, most people who sign up for SFI will remain free members and never order any products. There's no sales process that your leads go through, therefore, many people will remain free.

This makes it tough to earn money with SFI. In fact, the single most biggest complaint SFI affiliates have with SFI is that they don't make money despite having a lot of affiliates under them. I have to be honest here.

This is why you should build your SFI business a certain way so that you can make money.

If you want to go ahead with SFI you must be accepting of this fact and make a commitment to stay with SFI long-term in order to see results with this business. It would also be in your best interest to have your own website promoting SFI and your own marketing funnel so you can build your list.

I have done SFI the traditional way - the way it's taught in nearly most if not all network marketing companies  - and it can be a tough way to go. The better approach when recruiting for business affiliates is to use a funded proposal as I mentioned earlier.

Another approach would be to create your own funded proposal and marketing funnel to put people through before you show them the SFI business opportunity. A funded proposal is going to be necessary if you're doing any kind of paid marketing so that you recoup your costs quickly.

Why Do People Stay?

What you will find in SFI are people who have been in several network marketing companies over the years and have been through the ringer and back. They've been there and done that. All the annoying qualities that exist in nearly most network marketing companies doesn't exist or barely exists in SFI.

You could say SFI is the network marketing company that doesn't feel like a network marketing company. There are many people who join SFI because it's unlike anything else they've experienced before. In other words, it's a breath of fresh air.

Real Products

With the FTC coming down hard on network marketing companies (and even shutting them down) that over-emphasize recruiting over the sales of its products, it's nice to know that SFI has always been about the products and services as long as I can remember.

Many Ways to Earn Money

Another reason why people like SFI is that there are many, many ways to earn an income in addition to building a salesforce.

You could even just do the affiliate side of SFI and build niche websites with the products from the businesses inside of Tripleclicks.

SFI Has Withstood the Test of Time

SFI is nearly 20 years old - which is ancient in network marketing years. What's more is that there are affiliates who have been with SFI nearly from the very beginning. So, yes, you can make a nice living from SFI if you're willing to put in the work.

Why Do I Like SFI

I like helping people all over the world improve their standard of living. SFI is the one vehicle out there that can do that even in the poorest of countries. I also like the fact that I'm able to create various streams of income all from within SFI.

Is SFI Right For You?

By the time you read this sentence, you either think SFI is for  you or it's not for you. I wanted to give you the facts even if it meant that you would down SFI. You can only make an informed decision when given the facts. Most people online who are promoting network marketing opportunities do a poor job of revealing the things you need to know.

I hope you found this SFI program review helpful. Whether you want to make SFI your primary business or whether you want to use it as another income stream, the simplicity and ease of it all to get started makes it an ideal choice for either.


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